Monday, September 24, 2012

Charity Knitting Update, or Hope you're almost finished with your Red Scarf!!

Red Scarf Project red scarves.  Yes, I like to say that :)

There are SO many charities for which to knit.  It really is hard to pick just one or two and still not feel as though you are neglecting some great cause or need.  This year, the KnitOasis knitting group (aka, anyone who wants to contribute!) has been knitting for 3 charities:
  1. The Red Scarf Project--Red Scarves for college students who have been in foster care
  2. Warm Up America -- Afghan blocks which will be sewn together to make a blanket, then donated (ideally to the Ronald McDonald House in Charleston)
  3. TriCounty Family Ministries -- Hats and scarves for the less fortunate

 I put The Red Scarf Project first because the time to mail them off is fast approaching. Last year we sent 6 beautiful scarves to Foster Care to Success and received this lovely note of thanks in reply:
Good Afternoon Tamara - Thank you so much for your generous scarf donations.  We are delighted that so many talented knitters and crocheters chose to participate in the program.  Each year we continue to be amazed at the generosity and creativity of the needle arts community.

If you do not mind, I will keep your email address and definitely keep you updated on the Red Scarf Project.  Please email me if you have any questions.

Please know that the scarves really mean a lot to the students that receive them.  For many it will be the first item they have ever received that is handmade just for them!

I also left a comment on your blog.  If you have any questions feel free to email me - Thanks again!

Lynn Davis
Director, Community Partnerships
Foster Care to Success
(formerly Orphan Foundation of America)
America's College Fund for Foster Youth

So if you've been thinking about knitting (or crocheting) a Red Scarf this year, do it NOW!
I'll be sending this year's box on November 30. 

Donations to TriCounty Family Ministries is ongoing, and the cooler morning temps here in Charleston remind us that it will get chilly this winter and there are those without adequate heat or shelter who could use a warm scarf or hat or mittens this winter.

Warm Up America blanket blocks are also coming in weekly.  We need 49 blocks, 7" x 9", to sew together for a full afghan.  These can be knitted or crocheted, in any pattern or design or color, preferably in an easy care acrylic yarn.  I'm offering two more classes this year featuring patterns for blanket blocks, on November 29 and December 13.  Check KnitOasis Classes & Events  for details!

Thank you to all my knitting (and crocheting) friends who have contributed to our charity knitting projects this year!  Keep 'em coming!!

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