Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yarn Sale Follow-Up

The One Day Only Huge Yarn Sale was a success! But success is a tricky thing, and for the sweet lady with all the yarn, true success will be won when she no longer has bags of yarn to pack up and take home.

I know we've all been to yard sales and estate sales and even yarn sales where the merchandise was just thrown about and pricing was confused or non-existent and the people working the sale were less than helpful. THIS was NOT one of those times! The yarn was organized and easy to look through (and there was a lot of it!), the prices were clearly marked, fair, and negotiable, and Linda and Amy are two of the nicest ladies you'll ever meet. We came, we shopped, we sat and knit, and it was a lovely experience, dampened only by my own lack of funds to buy MORE yarn! Well, that and the thought of where in the world would I put it all.

We got to talking at the yarn sale and agreed that July is a month for vacation for a lot of folks and maybe, just maybe, more yarnies would be available in another month or two to make it worth setting up the yarn sale for a second go-round. So, for those of you who missed it the first time, and for those of us who would like to set aside a little more $$ for the next time to get more Noro Kureyon (heh, heh), I just wanted to say....STAY TUNED!

The price of yarn is going up at our favorite retail and online sources, so in order to keep the hobby going full steam, whether it be knitting or crochet, we're going to have to get creative. Let's be honest, though, there's only so long that any of us can knit solely from stash.

So watch this blog, check the Facebook page, keep an eye on the South Carolina Knitter's group on Ravelry...and as soon as I know something concrete (like a date, time and place!), I will spread the word!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad she is going to do it again! Just my brain overworking on a Monday morning...but was wondering if we could make it a HUGE event by being the world's biggest yarn sale by maybe paying a nominal fee ( like $5.00) to set up a table of our own yarn to sell, swap, etc.

    I would be happy to help set it up, come up with the guidelines, etc. But It could really bring in crowds and be profitable for everyone.

    JUst hurt feelings if it is a no go.

